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HAIL & FIRE - a resource for Reformed and Gospel Theology in the works, exhortations, prayers, and apologetics of those who have maintained the Gospel and expounded upon the Scripture as the Eternal Word of God and the sole authority in Christian doctrine.
"The world may look in vain for 'free will' and pretend to it, but the heart that is alive is alive to righteousness, is dead to sin, is captive to the law which is written upon it by God, and is free to serve and keep that law. So it is upon this earth and in this mortal being; and so in heaven where the soul, unhindered by the mortal flesh, is made eternally free to practice righteousness according to godliness - its very life and will and desire." Hail & Fire, 2011 "Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith. Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law." Rom 3:27-28 |
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HOME > Doctrine > On Faith and Good Works - an excerpt from Answer to Sir Thomas More's Dialogue by William Tyndale
On Faith and Good Works an excerpt from: "Answer to Sir Thomas More's Dialogue" William Tyndale
When the great multitude, that be called and not chosen, Cain, Ishmael, Esau, and carnal Israel, that serve God night and day with bodily service and holy works, such as they were wont to serve their idols withal, behold little flock, that they come not forth in the service of God, they roar out, 'Where art thou? Why comest thou not forth and takest holy water?' 'Wherefore?' saith little flock. 'To put away thy sins.' 'Nay, brethren, God forbid that ye should so think; help his brother with; and God that is a spirit cannot be served therewith: neither can such things enter into the soul, to purge her; for God's word only is her purgation.' 'No!' say they, 'are not such things hallowed? and say we not in the hallowing of them, that whosoever is sprinkled with the water, or eateth of the bread, shall receive health of soul and body?' ' Sir, the blessings promised unto Abraham, for all nations, are in Christ; and out of his blood we must fetch them, and his word is the bread, salt, and water of our souls. God hath given you no power to give, through your charms, such virtue unto unsensible creatures, which he hath hallowed himself, and made them all clean (for the bodily use of them that believe) through his word of promise and permission, and our thanksgiving. God saith, If thou believe St John's gospel, thou shalt be saved; and not for the bearing of it about thee with so many crosses, or for the observing of any such observances.' 'God, for thy bitter passion,' roar they out by and by, 'what an heretic is this! I tell thee that holy church need to allege no scripture for them; for they have the Holy Ghost, which inspireth them ever secretly, so that they cannot err, whatsoever they say, do, or ordain. What, wilt thou despise the blessed sacraments of holy church, wherewith God hath been served this fifteen hundred years?' (yea, verily this five thousand years, even since Cain hitherto, and shall endure unto the world's end, among them that have no love unto the truth, to be saved thereby) 'thou art a strong heretic, and worthy to be burnt.' And then he is excommunicate out of the church. If little flock fear not that bug, then they go straight unto the king: 'And it like your grace, perilous people, and seditious, and even enough to destroy your realm, if ye see not to them betimes. They be so obstinate and tough, that they will not be converted, and rebellious against God and the ordinances of his holy church. And how much more shall they so be against your grace, if they increase and grow to a multitude! They will pervert all, and surely make new laws, and either subdue your grace unto them, or rise against you.' And then goeth a part of little flock to pot, and the rest scatter. Thus hath it ever been, and shall ever be: let no man therefore deceive himself. "
William Tyndale - an exerpt from:
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"For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith." 1 Joh 5:3-4 KJV
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